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IT Policy

Information Technology Policies and Procedures

The Eclosia Group IT Executive Council ("the GIT"), supported by three sub-committees, is responsible to provide the necessary directions with regards to strategy, infrastructure and operations management in relation to information, communications and technology systems within the Eclosia Group.

An Information Technology Policies and Procedures (“ITPP”) manual has been mandated by the GIT to provide guiding principles applicable to the management of IT related processes across Group Companies in order to:

  • - Establish responsibility and accountability for the use and maintenance of IT resources of eclosia.
  • - Encourage management and staff to maintain an appropriate level of awareness, knowledge and skill to allow them to leverage IT resources in delivering quality service to the clients.
  • - Minimise the impact of IT incidents on service delivery.
  • - Protect the business information and any client information within its custody by safeguarding their confidentiality and integrity by maintaining their availability.
The ITPP manual contains several domains as illustrated below:

On a yearly basis, the ITPP is reviewed by a sub-committee to accommodate process changes and adapt to new technologies. Independently, the Group IT Auditor reports to the Audit and Risk Committee of each Group Company about the level of compliance to the ITPP.

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Maurilait Production Ltée
Zone Industrielle,
Ile Maurice