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601 5900

Maurilait SA

Since the end of June 2020, Yoplait yogurts are produced in Madagascar by Maurilait SA and distributed by its sister company, Panagora Marketing. The production site is located in Andranotapahana, Industrial Zone, Antananarivo. With a production capacity of 12 tons per day, the production plant is equipped with modern equipment specifically designed for the production of yoghurts and drinkable yoghurts with international standards. The factory includes a laboratory where analyzes and quality control are carried out in order to guarantee product quality at all stages of manufacturing. The production of Yoplait yoghurts thus meets rigorous specifications mastered by the local team in order to guarantee the quality of the Yoplait range, which consists of plain and sweet white yogurts, flavored yogurts, Fruit yogurt Panier, and drinkable yoghurt Yop.

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where are we ?

Maurilait Production Ltée
Zone Industrielle,
Ile Maurice